The Three Little Pigs 🐷 by Joseph Jacobs

    Childish books are the books that opened the world of reading to us, the books that introduced us to the large world of books that we now know off. In this amazing example, I will be talking about one of the greatest (in my opinion) children's books (that should become a much more famous series); The popular and one of a kind The Little Three Pigs by Joseph Jacobs. And no spoilers headed, but the Wolf is a mean person.

The Little Three Pigs, as most of you may know, is a children's book, usually read to kids as a night book or they just give it to them so they either learn how to read or spend time not running around. However, this book has some hidden messages that are usually jump off or not care about for being in a child book. And that is why I am here. 

Spoiler alert!

The Little Three is about three little pigs, that after having their birthday, they dessay to go on an adventure and make a family and house by themselves, and not live in their parent house until they are like 36. The three little pigs wandered around for some days before finding a great place to build their houses. The 3 pigs were very excited to find this place, and with no time to waste they looked for material to make a house. However, these pigs decided to make their houses from different materials and try to make them as fast as possible. Afterwards, they faced problems, but came together to defeat a higher evil. 

The book itself has an easy and direct message that most people skip for not reading it seriously for being a kid’s book. Following this, one of the messages that can be interpreted in this book is that hard work always takes time and that result will always come, later than ever. This message can be observed through the character of the oldest pig. This character (without trying to spoil the book) works really hard on his house while his brothers play around in the field and mock him for working harder than them on his house. This message is usually not that hard to see while reading it, however, sometimes is skipped and ignored. 

This book was one of the first books I read when I was a kid (probably because the only books I had when I was 4 were some prehistoric books I found in my grandma's house). I decided to do this blog because when I was a kid and read this book, the only thing that I took out from it was that brothers were really annoying, and with the passage of time I discovered that the book had another meaning.

Good luck, 

The frog blog πŸΈπŸ’―


  1. I agree with you Fermin, the Three Little Pigs is such a glorious work of literature. I will definitely go and reread it. The characters have a ton of depth and it will truly keep you entertained for hours with its riveting plot and inspiring dialogue.

    1. I think that not only has this story impacted many young readers, but it has inspired many other works that have gone forth and become literary classics.

  2. I never thought of the Three Little Pigs as a genius work of art, but now I understand. The true meaning of working till you bleed, then watching as the ones around you bleed out, is dark but stands the test of time. The Roman Empire. I will carry this new information until my grave.

  3. You did a great job deciphering the true meaning of this "simple" book. I must go reread it with this new insight.

    1. You should hazel, it is a great book with a very good with an amazing plot.

  4. Beautiful! Pure beauty! Fermin, you completely uncovered the true meanings behind the famous Three Little Pigs in a way no one ever considered to rethink of... This beautiful piece of literature has not only been undermined, but made a joke out of through countless centuries of mockery and overcasting. However, now that you found the true meaning of the book, we need to have a talk... I never knew you would find out so soon.

  5. Joseph Jacobs could write Shakespeare, but could Shakespeare write The Three Little Pigs? This book is an amazing tale of the quest for independence, that truly highlights the need for unity. Thank you so much for bringing this to light.

  6. When I used to think about The Three Little Pigs, I thought that it was just a silly children's book. Now, you made me think about it a completely different way, to the point that I now realize that most of my childhood as a reader was spent reading the best book ever. Thank you for this post.


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